During this two years project the pupils of the three partner schools had studied a lot of things about the environment. They talked about preserving the environment and developing recycling techniques.
We also dealt with international world days and tried to arouse other people’s interest to a healthier way of lifestyle.
To reach our goals the partners made a three language environmental dictionary. It is a Powerpoint Presentation which can be downloaded and eventually completed with other definitions regarding environment.
A kt ves program ideje alatt a hrom partneriskola tanuli sok dolgot tanultak a krnyezetrl. Beszlgettek a krnyezetvdelemrl s az jrahasznosts technikirl.
Foglalkoztunk a nemzetkzi vilgnapokkal is s megprbltuk felkelteni ms emberek rdekldst egy egszsgesebb letvitel irnt.
Clunk elrse rdekben a partnerek ksztettek egy hromnyelv krnyezeti sztrat. Ez egy Powerpoint Bemutat, amely letlthet s alkalomadtn ms, krnyezettel kapcsolatos meghatrozsokkal is bvthet.
Environmental Dictionary/ Krnyezeti Sztr