Cuxhaven photos
These photos were taken in December 2008. 13 pupils and 3 teachers from our school travelled to Cuxhaven, Germany to meet our English and German partners. We visited Amandus- Abendroth-Gymnasium and had a lot of interesting programmes in the city. We also worked on our enviromental project calledCaptain Planet.
Ezeka fnykpek 2008. decemberben kszltek. Iskolnk 13 tanulja s 3 nevelje utazott Cuxhavenbe, Nmetorszgba, hogy tallkozzanak angol s nmet partnereinkkel. Megltogattuk az Amandus-Abendroth-Kzpiskolt s sok rdekes programban vettnk rszt a vrosban. Ezek mellett a Bolyg Kapitnya nev krnyezetvdelmi prpjektnkn is dolgoztunk. |
Buj photos
We have taken thesephotos inMay 2009 when we met our English and German partners in our village. We had a lot of programmes and a lot of fun. There were some sport programmes and we took several trips to the surrounding food factories. We also visited our capital, Budapest and had shown around our guests.
Ezeket a fnykpeket 2009 mjusban ksztettk, amikor kzsgnkben tallkoztunk angol s nmet partnereinkkel. Sok programunk volt s jl reztk magunkat. Sport programokat szerveztnk s kirndulsokat tettnk a krnyez lelmiszeripari cgekbe. Megltogattuk a fvrosunkat, Budapestetis s krbevezettk vendgeinket. |
Banbury photos
In May 2010 we had our final planeteer meeting in Banbury, Britain. German and Hungarian pupils had spent 5 beautiful days there, visiting some nice andfamous places, like Stratford-Upon-Avon, Warwick or Oxford. We also looked round shortly in London. There were sports programmes and powerpoint presentations about our environmental project as well. It was very interesting and we had a great time there. Some of our experience can be seen on these photos.
2010 mjusban tartottuk utols tallkoznkat Banbury vroskban, Nagy-Britanniban. Nmet s magyar iskolsok tltttek 5 gynyr napot vendgltinknl, megltogatva nhny szp s hres helyet, mint Stratford-Upon-Avon, Warwick vagy Oxford. Rviden krlnztnk Londonban is. Sportprogramok s, a krnyezetvdelmi projektnkkel sszefgg, powerpoint bemutatk is voltak. Nagyon rdekes volt, jl reztk magunkat. Nhny lmnynk lthat ezeken a fotkon. |