In addition to the Powerpoint presentations, a lot of pupils have made posters in connection with different environmental topics. Some of them had worked with conventional tools and some had solved this task also with the help of the computer.
Here are some posters.
The pupils of the partner schools also had compiled surveys with reference to the conversation of the environment. These surveys were treated in our residences asking local poople and our pupils about their everyday habits in using energy or travelling among other things.
A Powerpoint bemutatkon kvl a tanulk kzl sokan ksztettek plaktokat a klnbz krnyezetvdelmi tmkkal kapcsolatban. Nhnyan hagyomnyos eszkzkkel dolgoztak, nhnyan pedig ezt a feladatot is a szmtgp segtsgvel oldottk meg.
Itt bemutatunk nhny munkt.
A partneriskolk tanuli kzsen lltottak ssze krdveket a krnyezetvdelemmel kapcsolatban. Ezeket sajt lakhelynkn dolgoztuk fel, helyi lakosokat illetve tanulinkat krdezve meg, tbbek kztt energiafelhasznlsi s utazsi szoksaikrl.
Posters/Plaktok Surveys/Felmrsek