From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Buj is a village in Szabolcs-Szatmr-Bereg county, in the Northern Great Plain region of eastern Hungary.
It covers an area of 32.76km2 (13sqmi) and has a population of 2456 people (2001).
There has been a known settlement since 14th century.. The village may have been in a possesion of the governor of a castle.
The name of the settlement turns up first in diplomas in 1327, the owner of it is the Buji family.
The settlement’s main owner in 1463 is Kllay family, but the members of Buji family also have parts in it.
In 1588 the settlement’s owners are the Buji, Litterti, Bthory and Vnyi families'.
The main owners in the 19th century are the Ibrnyi and Krajnyik family.
A Wikipdibl, a szabad enciklopdibl
Buj kzsg Szabolcs-Szatmr-Bereg megyben, Kelet-Magyarorszg szak-alfldi rgijban.
Terlete 32,76km2, lakosainak szma , egy 2001-ben vgzett felmrs szerint 2456.
A 14. szzadtl ismert telepls. Valsznleg eredetileg vrispnsgi birtok lehetett.
A telepls neve az oklevelekben, 1327-ben tnik fel elszr, ekkor birtokosa a Buji csald.
1463-ban a telepls f birtokosa a Kllay csald, de a Buji csald tagjainak is van rsze benne.
1588-ban a Buji, Litterti, Bthory s Vnyi csaldok.
A 19. szzadban a f birtokosa az 'Ibrnyi s Krajnyik csald
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