United Kingdom
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the United Kingdom, the UK, sometimes Britain) is a sovereign state located off the northwestern coast of continental Europe. It is an island country, including Great Britain, the northeastern part of the island of Ireland, and many small islands. Northern Ireland is the only part of the UK with a land border, sharing it with the Republic of Ireland. Apart from this land border, the UK is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea, the English Channel and the Irish Sea. Great Britain is linked to France by the Channel Tunnel.
The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy and unitary state consisting of four countries: England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. It is governed by a parliamentary system with its seat of government in London, but with three devolved national administrations in Belfast, Cardiff and Edinburgh, the capitals of Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland. The UK has fourteen overseas territories that are not constitutionally part of the UK.
The UK is a developed country, with the world's sixth largest economy by nominalGDP and thesixth largestby purchasing power parity. It is a Member State of the European Union, a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, G8, G20, NATO, OECD and the World Trade Organization.
Egyeslt Kirlysg
A Wikipdibl, a szabad enciklopdibl
Nagy-Britannia s szak-rorszg Egyeslt Kirlysga (angolul United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland vagy Britain) nyugat-eurpai szigetorszg, mely Nagy-Britannia teljes terlett s az r-sziget szakkeleti rszt, valamint tbb kisebb szigetet foglal magba. Szrazfldi hatra csak szak-rorszgnak van, rorszggal, , ettl eltekintve az orszgot az Atlanti-cen, az szaki-tenger, a La Manche s az r-tenger hatrolja. A legnagyobb szigetet, a Brit-szigetet a Csatorna-alagt kti ssze Franciaorszggal.
Az Egyeslt Kirlysg llamformja parlamentris monarchia, melynek ngy orszgrsze Anglia, szak-rorszg, Skcia s Wales. A parlament Londonban, az orszg fvrosban van, de jogainak egy rszt truhzta a hrom nemzeti kzigazgatsi kzpontban mkd parlamentre, melyek Belfastban (szak-rorszg), Cardiffban (Wales) s Edinburghban (Skcia) mkdnek. Az Egyeslt Kirlysgnak tizenngy tengerentli terlete van, amelyek alkotmnyosan nem rszei az Egyeslt Kirlysgnak.
Az Egyeslt Kirlysg fejlett ipari orszg, nominlis GDP-jt tekintve, s vsrler-paritst illeten a hatodik legfejlettebb gazdasg a vilgon. Az Eurpai Uni tagorszga, az Egyeslt Nemzetek Biztonsgi Tancsnak lland tagja, tovbb tagja a G8-nak, a NATO-nak, az OECD-nek, a Kereskedelmi Vilgszervezetnek s a Nemzetkzssgnek.
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