In May 2010 we had our final planeteer meeting in Banbury, Britain. German and Hungarian pupils had spent 5 beautiful days there, visiting some nice andfamous places, like Stratford-Upon-Avon, Warwick or Oxford. We also looked round shortly in London. There were sports programmes and powerpoint presentations about our environmental project as well. It was very interesting and we had a great time there. Some of our experience can be seen on these photos.
2010 mjusban tartottuk utols tallkoznkat Banbury vroskban, Nagy-Britanniban. Nmet s magyar iskolsok tltttek 5 gynyr napot vendgltinknl, megltogatva nhny szp s hres helyet, mint Stratford-Upon-Avon, Warwick vagy Oxford. Rviden krlnztnk Londonban is. Sportprogramok s, a krnyezetvdelmi projektnkkel sszefgg, powerpoint bemutatk is voltak. Nagyon rdekes volt, jl reztk magunkat. Nhny lmnynk lthat ezeken a fotkon. Kattints arra a kpre, amelyiket nagyobb mretben szeretnl megnzni!